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Mengenal Profesi Aktuaris

Pada umumnya masyarakat luas masih belum begitu mengenal Ilmu Aktuaria (Actuarial Science). Apa itu ilmu aktuaria? Secara umum dapat didefinisikan sebagai bidang keilmuan yang mengombinasikan beberapa disiplin ilmu seperti matematika, probabilitas & statistika, ekonomi-keuangan, dan komputasi untuk mengukur risiko keuangan dan bisnis. Jenis ilmu aktuaria ini tentu sangat diperlukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan atau industri yang kerap menghadapi berbagai jenis risiko dalam operasionalnya seperti perusahaan Asuransi, Pengelola Dana Pensiun, Manajemen Investasi, Sekuritas, Perbankan dan Institusi Keuangan lainnya. Selain itu, ilmu aktuaria ini juga bermanfaat bagi perusahaan umum yang menerapkan manajemen risiko dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Karena aktuaria sangat erat dengan risiko bisnis maka ilmu ini menggunakan tag: “Risk is Opportunity”.

Para praktisi ilmu aktuaria biasa disebut dengan Aktuaris (Actuary). Aktuaris adalah seorang profesional jasa keuangan yang memberikan nasihat manajemen terkait risiko finansial di masa depan yang tidak dapat ditentukan dengan pasti (uncertainty). Profesi aktuaris pada umumnya tergabung dalam wadah asosiasi profesi seperti Society of Actuary, Casualty of Actuarial Society, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries dan lainnya. Di Indonesia wadah profesi aktuaris dikenal dengan Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI) atau Society of Actuary Indonesia. Tentu untuk menjadi anggota PAI bukanlah hal mudah. Calon anggota harus melalui dua tahapan ujian (examination) yaitu: (1) Associate dan (2) Fellow. Jika lulus tahap pertama akan diberi gelar profesi ajun aktuaris atau Associate of Society of Actuary Indonesia (ASAI) dan jika lulus tahap kedua diberi gelar aktuaris penuh atau Fellow of Society of Actuary Indonesia (FSAI).

Dalam program studi ilmu aktuaria pada umumnya mempelajari Financial Mathematics, Life Insurance Mathematics, Probability & Statistics for Actuarial,  Stochastic for Actuarial, Casualty & Health Insurance, General Insurance, Credibility Theory, Survival Model, Retirement Income System, Risk Theory, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Asset & Liabilities, Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance, Economics, Investment & Portfolio Analysis and Business Management. Semua courses di atas tersebut pada umumnya memerlukan keterampilan kuantitatif yang kuat sehingga para aktuaris pada umumnya berlatar belakang sarjana matematika, statistika, teknik, sains, ekonomi keuangan dan bisnis.

Pada umumnya (sekitar 70%) para aktuaris melayani atau bekerja di industri asuransi seperti life insurance, general insurance, retirement/pension funds, and reinsurance company serta actuarial and risk consultants. Dengan kata lain, tanpa aktuaris maka perusahaan asuransi tidak dapat berfungsi. Dengan perkembangan industri keuangan dan investasi yang semakin kompleks saat ini, banyak para aktuaris yang melayani dan berkarir di industri keuangan lainnya seperti investment & assets management, commercial banking, investment banking, risk management, accounting & financial consultants, government/regulator dan akademisi & peneliti. Trend ini menunjukkan bahwa profesi aktuaris semakin diperlukan oleh berbagai bidang bisnis keuangan bahkan ada yang menyebut sebagai “A Career without Boundaries”.

Hal ini dapat dipahami karena kompleksitas bisnis dan ketidakpastian keuangan yang semakin tinggi akan menciptakan risiko keuangan dan bisnis yang semakin besar pula maka profesi aktuaris semakin diperlukan. Dapat dikatakan bahwa dimana ada risiko bisnis, di situ pula aktuaris diperlukan. Di Indonesia sendiri jumlah aktuaris masih sangat minim sehingga peluang berkarir di bidang ini masih terbuka lebar dan tentunya dengan ekspektasi pendapatan yang menjanjikan. Menurut Wall Street Journal (2010) profesi aktuaris adalah jenis pekerjaan yang paling dicari peringkat 1 di USA (Top Ranked Job).

Untuk mendapatkan pendidikan formal ilmu aktuaria, anda dapat mencoba di beberapa perguruan tinggi top dunia seperti University of Waterloo, Australian National University, UNSW, University of Melbourne, Macquarie University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Columbia University, Universiteit van Amsterdam, University of Illinois, University of Kent, Nanyang Technological University dan lainnya. Di Indonesia sendiri terdapat beberapa universitas yang menawarkan program studi aktuaria tingkat sarjana seperti Matematika ITB, Matematika UI, Statsitika IPB dan Statistika UGM. Untuk tingkat S2-Magister Aktuaria ditawarkan oleh Departemen Matematika ITB dan program MM Aktuaria UI yang bekerjasama dengan PAI. Demikian dan semoga bermanfaat….

Perdana Wahyu Santosa

March 29, 2015 Posted by | Advance, Corporate Finance, Energize Your Motivation, Financial Engineering | , , , , | Leave a comment

Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia

He each invested up to $200 million the development of infrastructure and economic activity in Africa Prince Alwaleed’s investment operation, Kingdom Holding Co., has stakes in companies across a range of sectors, including hotels, media and real estate

Who is the largest individual shareholder of Citigroup? CEO Sanford Weill will tell you “I’ve never had an individual shareholder who is as big as he is.” The man Weill is referring to is Prince al-Waleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, the Warren Buffet of Saudi Arabia

He consequently got the contract and invested the entire proceeds in Citigroup at $9 a share His giant stake in Citigroup alone totals a cool $10 billion. (+/- 33%). Like most Saudi Arabians, I myself am a practicing, traditional Muslim, and yet I have liberal views.

I believe that women should of course be allowed to drive cars, and that they should generally have all rights that men have. If you visit the hotel I own in Paris, you’ll find two verses of the Koran displayed in the lobby, right next to the bar, where we serve alcohol. I am the biggest shareholder in Citigroup, the world’s largest bank. Who do you think is the president of Citigroup? He’s a Jew. Many of my friends and business associates are Christians and Jews. Traditionalism and liberalism are not mutually exclusive. But we must be cautious and show respect for all religions.

The purchase of large share of what was considered a conservative station by a Saudi Prince:

Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal, CEO of Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom Holding Company, has purchased 5% of Kuwait Invest Holding Company

Kuwait Invest Holding is part of the Jassim Al-Bahar Group of Companies. Prince Al Waleed invested 5% in IFA’s capital in September 2003. IFA is now worth over US $1 billion

We welcome and are proud of Prince Al Waleed’s investment in Kuwait Invest Holding. This is the second investment in the Kuwait Stock Market by His Highness within a year and it will further strengthen the Kuwait Stock Market.

His interests range from his own construction, hotel and oil firms to the stocks of troubled brand-name firms, including Compaq, Disney and Kodak

He is an entrepreneur and international investor with a net worth estimated in 2006 at $20 billion, and he is ranked as the eighth richest person in the world by Forbes
his holdings in Citigroup now comprises half of his wealth worth US$10 billion.[1] He has also made large investments in AOL, Apple Inc., Worldcom, Motorola, News Corporation Ltd and other technology and media companies

His first big win in 1991: $790 million of depressed Citicorp stock that has grown to an $8 billion stake in what is now Citigroup. And he’s looking for similar opportunities in today’s market.

January 21, 2009 Posted by | General Articles | Leave a comment

Investor to Give Away Fortune

By Marc Pitzke in New York

Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world, is to give away most of his billions of dollars to worthy causes. This act of generosity has catapulted him into the ranks of legendary philanthropists and has given wealth back its good name.Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett is to donate most of his fortune to help solve some of the world’s “biggest problems.”

When Warren Buffet married as a 22-year-old in 1952, he warned his bride Susie: “I’m going to be rich one day.” Suzie didn’t get very excited. “She either didn’t care or didn’t believe me,” Buffett recalled in an interview published this week in Fortune magazine. Just in case this did ever really happen, the two agreed what they would do with the money: “give it back to society.”

Two years after the death of his wife, Buffett, now 75, has made their common dream a reality. On Sunday, the world’s second-richest man announced that he was giving away 85 percent of his fortune, with most of it slated to be donated to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Microsoft founder, who is the world’s richest man, is also a close friend.

January 21, 2009 Posted by | General Articles | Leave a comment